Training Classes

Bloodborne Pathogens Training & Audits

Our Compliance Specialists are “just what the doctor ordered” for OSHA compliance and training headaches!  We safeguard your practice by providing Bloodborne Pathogens Training for your staff.

HIPAA Training & Risk Assessment

Our specialists help you with privacy and security practices, processes, and policies to protect your organization from data theft and achieve compliance with HIPAA regulations.  

Sexual Harassment Prevention Training 

California employers with at least five employees must provide sexual harassment prevention training and education to all supervisory employees and non-supervisory employees.

Emergency Preparedness Training

Compliance Doctors helps your employees and their families take steps now to prepare for an emergency if a natural disaster, earthquake, act of terrorism, public health emergency or disease outbreak happens.

Active Shooter Preparedness Training 

The Active Shooter Training is designed to provide your staff with the knowledge and skills to successfully handle an active threat event in and out of the workplace. We share recommendations from the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA on how to best prepare.

CPR Training & Certification

Our American Heart Association CPR Certification Course covers all of the information and training required to safely perform CPR on adults, children, and infants, as well as detailed instructions for AED operation.

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